Friday, July 9, 2010

The things that my friends think... *shakes head*

Today I was with my friend Jenny. Now, Jenny is an odd one. For instance, we were playing cards, when Jenny says, "Ahh... booze, gambling and drugs." I looked at her funky and she grinned and said, "Card games." I was still looking at her funny and said, "what... in the world... are you talking about?!" Jenny laughed and said, "Jinn, Poker and Speed!" I facepalmed and laughed. It was a very odd moment.

Kinda like when Bethany and I were playing stuffed animals. She had set up a "bungee jump" for them on our balcony. At one point she says you hear in the distance, "AAAAAAHHHHH... *splat*" then another voice, "... Whoops... we must have made the line too long..." We were laughing sooooooo hard... it was hilarious. I should just randomly record our playing, because it gets pretty funny... to us anyway. :P

Well, in other news, ISC has finally started it's re-writing stage. ^_^ But I think we need to continue working on the end... need to talk with my co-authorses about that... Anyway, re-writing (sorry, I really ramble sometimes.). ANYWAY, re-writing, I've gotten part 9 finished up, DJ has 2 finished up, and I'm part way finished with 11. Then, it's on to 13! I'm so proud of us.

*thinks* What else... I've been reading a really intense book. Tis the fourth book in the Gallagher Girls series, "Only the Good Spy Young". now, before I continue with talking about the book, I have a bit of background to give y'all. I have noticed that my favorite character always dies, ALWAYS! He either dies, or becomes a bad guy. Take "The Circle Trilogy" by Ted Dekker for example, Thomas was my favorite character... and he DIES! He comes back to life, but that's not the point. The point is, he DIES. In "The Door Within", my favorite character (no, make that TWO favorite characters) DIE. They died! I have decided, that either A.) The authors hate me, or B.) I just pick the wrong favorite characters... then there is always C.) A combination of both. the authors hate me, and know who I will pick for my favorite characters, so they decide to kill them off. *sigh* Even in Doctor Who... one of my favorite characters died... in fact, he got pulled into this crack (don't ask, long story) and never existed!! That's right, he never EXSISTED!!!!! *weeps* His fiancee doesn't even remember him! *weeps somemore* As you can tell, I'm sensitive on this subject... Anyway! So this new book. I found out. That two of. My favorite characters. ARE BAD GUYS!!! *cries* In someways, them being bad guys, is worse then them dying. *huge sigh* But my bestie, Tricia, has told me that one of them is in fact not a bad guy. SO! I felt much better... i really should finish the book and find out what happens.. I will do that, after I finish this blog.

All in all, there was much laughter and fake crying today. It was very interesting.

*bows* Thank you, thank you, you've been a wonderful auidence!

Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope!


  1. <('-'<) (>'-')>

    Dance! er...Hehe, very interesting :D Bungee jumping? O_o Remind me never to visit yer' house when she is around :|

    Psh, the title of that book is awesome! Hehehe, I need to find a series with titles like that XD

  2. the fact that the characters die makes the story so much more epic though! :D

    but if you do not want the main characters to die...
    i suggest you do not read TSA then LOL xD
    Thomas... yeah, the way he died was sad XD i am just glad he gets to live in the future then... lol

    your quite welcome, tis fun being part of a wonderful audience!

  3. @Mill- hehehe, she's usually always around... she does live here. :P XD Yes, I love the title!

    @SA- Yeah... I guess so... *laughs* Nah, I'll read it. *adds to long list of books to read* At least... I will eventually... lol

    ^_^ Yes

  4. once it gets written that is... hehe

    Misty, i tagged ye ;) hit my blog to check it out ^_^


  5. hehe Yeah, that's true.

    *raises eyebrow* Okie-dokie.

  6. *sigh* and here i thought Jenny was going to her meetings. *is sad* ;)

  7. haha Yeah... it is sad... we must talk to that girl. ;)

  8. Tricia or Trish or Tish or.........KemahAugust 22, 2010 at 4:51 PM

    *nods* yeppers! hehe i have no idea where that came from!

  9. Tricia or Patricia or Patrish or Patty.( hahaha ik waaaaaayyyyy to many nicknames!!!!)August 23, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    hey! i figured out where the word "YEPPERS" came from! Evelyn says it! hmmmmmm.... the things i pick up....without even realizing it! =-D
